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REEDS Jewelers Purchase Options

At REEDS Jewelers, we strive to make every customer "feel like family" with personalized service, lasting quality and style, and an exceptional shopping experience. We want you to be able to purchase the jewelry of your dreams! Whether there is a certain engagement ring that you've fallen in love with or a stunning watch that you know will make the perfect gift, we are proud to offer a variety of financing options to our customers.

REEDS Credit Card Affirm Progressive
Credit Credit Lease to Own
Terms: Variety of promotional financing options Terms: 10% - 30% APR Terms: 12 month lease-to-own.
Requirements: Credit Check Requirements: Credit Check Requirements:
  • You must be 18 years or older
  • Valid social security or ITIN
  • Routing and account numbers for an open and active checking account
  • Credit or debit card
Payment Terms: Up to 60 Months Special Financing on qualifying offers. *,** Get Details. Payment Terms: 3, 6, or 12 months Payment Terms: Standard agreement offers 12 months to ownership. Early purchase options cost more than the retailer's cash price (except 3-month option in CA). To purchase early call (877) 878-1970.
A great option to build credit and earn 3% back in rewards. Get Details Perfect to those new to credit who want to pay for a big purchase over time. Offers simple easy payments.

The advertised service is lease-to-own or a rental- or lease-purchase agreement provided by Prog Leasing, LLC, or its affiliates. Acquiring ownership by leasing costs more than the retailer's cash price. Leasing available on select items at participating locations only. Not available in MN, NJ, VT, WI, WY.

At REEDS Jewelers, we strive to make every customer "feel like family" with personalized service, lasting quality and style, and an exceptional shopping experience. We want you to be able to purchase the jewelry of your dreams! Whether there is a certain engagement ring that you've fallen in love with or a stunning watch that you know will make the perfect gift, we are proud to offer a variety of financing options to our customers.

  • REEDS Jeweler’s Credit Card
  • See if you prequalify with no impact to your credit score.
  • Up to 60 Months Special Financing on qualifying purchases. Get Details
  • Earn 3% back in rewards on REEDS Jewelers Credit Card purchases. Get Details
  • Credit
  • Terms: Variety of promotional financing options
  • Requirements: Credit Check
  • Payment Terms: Up to 60 Months Special Financing on qualifying offers. *** Get Details
  • A great option to build credit and earn 3% back in rewards.† Get Details
  • Non-credit, payment plan
  • Flexible payment options
  • Requirements: Must have an Afterpay account linked to a debit card, credit card, or ACH for automatic payment withdraw. To use Afterpay on your order must fall between $2000 and $5,000
  • Afterpay is an easier method of payment than a credit card or loan.
  • Credit
  • Terms: 0% APR or 10 - 36%
  • Requirements: Credit Check
  • Payment Terms: 3, 6, or 12 months
  • Perfect to those new to credit who want to pay for a big purchase over time.
  • Lease to Own
  • Terms: 12 month lease-to-own.
  • Requirements:

    • You must be 18 years or older

    • Valid social security or ITIN

    • Routing and account numbers for an open and active checking account

    • Credit or debit card

  • Payment Terms: Standard agreement offers 12 months to ownership. Early purchase options cost more than the retailer's cash price (except 3-month option in CA). To purchase early call (877) 878-1970.
  • Offers simple easy payments.

The advertised service is lease-to-own or a rental- or lease-purchase agreement provided by Prog Leasing, LLC, or its affiliates. Acquiring ownership by leasing costs more than the retailer's cash price. Leasing available on select items at participating locations only. Not available in MN, NJ, VT, WI, WY.